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Neave Blacktalon Product Description
Due to being a "Webstore Exclusive", this product may have plain white Games Workshop packaging.
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Neave Blacktalon, a Stormcast Eternals Knight-Zephyros. Clad in the golden armour of her fellow Stormcast Eternals, with a few concessions made for speed, she is posed moving rapidly forward after some unseen target (which probably won�t be alive much longer�) She clutches a whirlwind axe in each hand � these are made from as little metal as possible while still remaining deadly, slicing through the air with incredible speed. As well as these axes she carries a boltstorm pistol, stowed on her belt for easy access. Her armour features the lion and wolf motifs many Stormcasts bear, with a huge fur cloak billowing in the wind behind her. Neave Blacktalon comes with a choice of 2 heads � 1 helmeted and spiked, and 1 bare, featuring long braided hair.
This model cames as 10 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round base.
Recommended: Movement Trays for 40mm Bases
A full selection of movement trays can be found here
Horde pack 3x40mm - LineElement 40mm Movement Trays with Magnets - LineElement 40mm Movement Trays - CloudElement 40mm Movement Trays with Magnets - CloudElement 40mm Movement Trays - Line