How to Paint Dark Steel (Metallic)
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How to paint Dark Steel
Step 1: Undercoat Matt Black - This helps the silver go on flat, it also allows you to neaten up any messy overspill from previous layers/drybrushing etc, and gives you a guide as to where you're painting.
Step 2: Plate Mail Metal - Thin it down a little, as many thin layers as it takes to get it flat, should be 3 max.

(Apologies for blurry pic)
Step 3: Dark Tone Ink Wash - As above, a couple of layers, let it dry completely before doing the next one. This stuff will sit better if it is on a flat section of the mini. It's not always practical, but for the wheel in question it was o.k, I did one side, the other side, and the rim was painted with one layer for each of the two sides, so it got to dry both ways up, this gave a more even spread of the wash.
First Layer:
Step 4: Highlights, Shining Silver - Get out your fancy brush, thin your paint and pick up the edges. You want a small amount of slightly thinned paint on the brush - too much leads to mess, and too little (or too dry) leads to rough brush strokes. I tend to add a little water to the mix in my pallet each time I go back for more paint, and brush of excess before putting the brush back to the model.
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